About Rihanna documentary removed

Directed by Peter Berg, known for work in the blockbuster "Hancock" and "Battleship", said he plans to make a documentary about singer Rihanna.

"I was intrigued by the opportunity to explore the life of a young actress, is at the peak of professional success The movie will be more psychological portrait of Rihanna musical film." - Plans Berg revealed.

According to the director, which is inspired by the cult documentary on Bob Dylan's "Do not look back" and wants to "capture life openly Rihanna and its transformation into a famous superstar of pop music."

Is Berg in 2012 was the occasion Rihanna debuted in the film - the singer played in his fantasy action film "Battleship." Director of the documentary project will be the first film nekontsertnym dedicated to the pop star.

About Rihanna documentary removed About Rihanna documentary removed Reviewed by Cavarella on 12:57 PM Rating: 5

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