Finale Features Pretty Little Liars
So here are 10 things that would seem to be true from Tuesday night's season finale of "Pretty Little Liars," that is, if anything on the show is ever really true.
Face it. If we really wanted the truth, would we be watching a show called "Pretty Little Liars?"
1. Charles is A.
How do we know this? Easy, you big silly. Spencer had a vision where the letters on some blocks rearranged themselves to spell out "CHARLES."
Who knew it was that simple?
Then when the PLLs called out Charles's name at the fake retro-prom that A forced them to set up after A kidnapped them and locked them up in a bizarre mixed-use facility that combined a dungeon with their childhood bedrooms - you ARE following all this, right? - a well-dressed man in a red, white and blue mask stepped forward.
Obviously it was Charles - although later, when Spencer saw him again and asked if he were Charles, Mona interrupted before he could speak and he disappeared.
Still, it looks like A is Charles. Of course, it also once looked like A was Mona. And if it is Charles this time, is it really Charles and is he Jason's secret twin, or is it someone else, like maybe Andrew?
2. Mona is alive.
Just when Alison had been convicted for Mona's murder, and our four PLLs have been arrested as coconspirators, it turns out Mona is alive. Typical Mona, only thinking of herself.
When Mona revealed herself to the PLLs at A's place, wearing Alison's yellow top and a yellow mask and playing a passable piano, she first insisted that she was Alison.
That begged the question of why Alison would want to have her face completely reconstructed to look like Mona, but Mona solved the mystery moments later when she confided to the PLLs that she was only pretending to be Alison because that was what A wanted and this was, after all, A's house.
As for the basic fact of Mona being alive when all evidence had indicated she was dead, we might want to recall the same thing happened with Alison earlier.
Could be worse. They could have come back as zombies.
3. The PLLs can check out of A's house, but it seems they can never leave.
The unlikely alliance of the unpleasant Lieutenant Tanner and Emily's boyfriend Caleb found where A had taken the PLLs after hijacking the van that was carrying them to The Big House. But they got there, searched the whole joint and found nothing except a bank of TV monitors where they could see the PLLs in captivity.
Now they need to find the remote location to the remote location.
So that will give the show's 10 summer episodes something to do.
4. Orange is not the new black.
Obviously taking their cue from the popular Netflix series, all four PLLs traded their regular wardrobes for orange prison jumpsuits.
They all looked nicely uniform, so to speak, except when Mona saw them she said, "I didn't think you were wearing those as a fashion statement."
Harsh but true. Later, when they all put on makeup - lots of makeup, if you were Aria - and changed into prom clothes, there was just no comparison.
Unlike you're a fluorescent cone marking a pothole on a dark highway, black is way better than orange.
5. A has a soul.
It's not unreasonable, just probably not something you ever thought about before. Mona came to that realization when she saw that A had accessorized a room with things like family photos.
6. Landlines will never come back.
When the PLLs were shown to their replica childhood bedrooms at A's place, Hanna's room included her old pink landline Princess phone. She picked up it and tossed it aside.
It didn't have, like, a single app.
7. Anagrams matter.
Not only did Spencer ascertain Charles's apparent identity with her vision of letters rearranging themselves on blocks, we later heard A's new place called "A's Lair."
Get it? "Lair"? Just switch the "a" and the "i" and what does it spell?
Cool, huh?
8. Veronica Hastings still looks a whole lot like Olivia Benson.
That really had nothing to do with Tuesday night's episode, except that if Mona could insist she was really Alison when she looked just like Mona, how far-fetched would it be for Mariska Hargitay's Olivia Benson from "Law & Order: SVU" to show up and say she was really Leslie Fera's Veronica Hastings?
Just throwing out the option.
9. Emily needs to remember that the worst thing an addict can do it have "just one."
Mona offered her a cookie. Emily said no. Mona said, "C'mon, it's just one."
Later, when they were doing the faux prom, Emily was put in charge of food and beverages. She had another one.
Now we won't relax until the summer season starts and we're reassured Emily isn't sitting in a daze amidst a mountain of empty Thin Mints boxes.
10. Even Alison may occasionally tell the truth.
A stopped clock is correct twice a day. Even a blind squirrel sometimes finds an acorn.
Still, it was startling to see Spencer's parents grilling Alison, still in her own prison orange and freshly convicted of murder, and concluding she was telling them the truth.
In this case, that only meant Alison didn't know where the other girls were. But really, Alison telling the truth about anything may be a breakthrough.
And all it took was a murder conviction to put her in the mood to tell it.
If only we'd known earlier.
But then, she could still be lying.
It's all so confusing.
Or maybe we just can't handle the truth.
Finale Features Pretty Little Liars
Reviewed by Cavarella
11:47 AM
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